The DNM Blog

The New Word of Mouth – Online Reviews

Online Reviews : Impact on Accommodations In today’s digital world, online reviews are the new word of mouth. They hold immense power over how customers choose their accommodations. Just think about it: when was the last time you booked a hotel without checking its...

Explore the Different Types of OTAs and our recommendation for your Accommodation in Tonga

For accommodation owners in Tonga, effectively managing bookings and maximizing visibility is crucial in today’s competitive travel market. UN Tourism wrote that International tourism reached 88% of pre-pandemic levels in 2023, with around 1.29 billion international...

Successful Budgets: The Result of Successful Planning for Businesses in Tonga

Introduction to Budgeting in Tonga Budgeting in the context of businesses in Tonga is often misunderstood as a mere exercise of adjusting figures from the previous year. However, effective budgeting transcends this simplistic approach and serves as a financial...

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